GWCL Neighbourhood Watch

Are you interested in starting a Neighbourhood Watch program in our community? If so, please let us know!


Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we?
The Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch Program Society is a not-for-profit, charitable volunteer passive crime prevention organization. For more information, you can visit the ENW website at

Where are we?
We have a Neighbourhood Watch program in most communities in Edmonton.

What do we do?
We encourage and train residents to watch out for each other to reduce crime in the city.

Why do we do it?
The main objective is to have as many residents actively participating in their neighbourhood, as possible in order that any threat to that area will be reported to the police, thus avoiding the occurrence of a crime.

How do we do it?
We provide resources for programs such as:

  • Walk your block program
  • Door sticker program
  • Neighbourhood block parties

Reporting to Police

The phone number for non-emergency complaint calls is (780) 423-4567

The Emergency number for reporting a crime is

When reporting a 9-1-1 call:

  • Stay Calm
  • State the address of where the crime is occurring
  • Let the police operator control the conversation

Have emergency telephone numbers on or near your phone. Get involved!

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